Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Little Greenbriar Schoolhouse

Poor Ranger Heath could not make it to this end of the park on the 22nd for a piece of Andy's monthly birthday cake (chocolate pie in this instance).  We decided to deliver a piece to the Little River ranger station for him. He shared it with several other rangers who were also in the station.

It was raining hard when we left.

We continued on into the park and visited the Little Greenbriar Schoolhouse, built in 1882.  The community built the building and the county paid the teacher's salary. The building also served as the Baptist church.

The one-lane dirt road into the schoolhouse is very narrow and there are not many places to move over to pass an oncoming vehicle.  In that case, someone would have to back up a long way  We were lucky that we did not meet anyone coming out.

It was pouring rain as we walked from the parking lot to the schoolhouse.

The most striking thing to me was the size of the boards. Here is a picture I snatched from the web to show them.

Image result for little greenbrier schoolhouse

It was partly the dark, rainy day, but the school marm told us it is always dark in there.

Retired elementary school teacher,  Robin Goddard is a park volunteer who presents a program every Tuesday on the schoolhouse and what school was like for the students. The school year was short, I presume after the fall harvesting was done and before it was time to start the spring planting.

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