Almost every morning, for a few magical moments, the sun shines through the forest and lights up the small tree in our host campsite. I have been taking pictures of it for years, but have never really captured the magic. I came closer than ever this time.
The tree is covered with moss (or are those lichens?) and has not been very healthy in recent years.
Granted, the effect would be much better if not for my clothesline and laundry hanging on it. Instead of a cloud with a silver lining, I have a tree with an emerald lining.
With the change in the registration system, reservations online or by phone beforehand, many campers show up unaware. Fortunately, we have internet access with our hotspot and can help them make a reservation. Here a young French woman is sitting inside Scamp making their reservation.
Somehow, ordinary, everyday chores are beautiful here in Big Creek. Witness Andy taking out the trash.
Here, we are on our way to the tent campground.
I saw one of the most remarkable camps in Site 10 and knew right away whose it was.
Two men had come to our RV the evening before to report that someone had set up in the campsite they had reserved. The other campers were nowhere to be found. One of the men was very tall and dashing. I thought he was Spanish because he looked like one of the Three Musketeers. He corrected me and said they were Saudis. He is a college student in Texas and the other is studying in England.
Daughter Kathy is going to have to up her game to beat out these guys with the coffee making!
You know how you sometimes meet a person and instantly "click"? Well, Ahmed and I did so. I was sassy and he was sassy right back. He came to the RV in the evening to ask a question. When I looked at him, I could see smoke rising above both his shoulders.
"You're SMOKING!"
"Yes, I put the cigarette behind my back out of respect. Like a mother or grandmother."
"Well, you should not be smoking at all. It is very bad for you!"
"Yes, mother."
And with that conversation, I became his forest mother and he became my forest son. I'm afraid I have not had much influence over his smoking habit. No more so than with my son Christopher.
I was quite surprised when I got these two photos from Ahmed. His friend had taken them unbeknownst to me.
This was a day I remember very well. A local and regular camper, Windy (in blue on the left) brought Junior, another local who had been a regular, (center) to visit us. Junior used to came camping often. He would park his pickup truck in the parking lot and set up a tarp and a folding chair in his campsite (usually Site 8). He would stay for a night or two and then offer his campsite to some newcomers and go home. I think he slept in the back of his truck as I don't recall ever seeing a tent.
Junior's wife died a few years ago and we had not seen him in Big Creek since then. I'm sorry that I had remarked to Andy that, with his wife's death, Junior must not need to get away from the house as often. This day I learned that Junior has been in deep mourning since her death and his health suffered as a consequence. He was neglecting himself in his loneliness and sadness. Windy told us that Junior almost died himself.
At any rate, I was so happy to see him back in Big Creek. Thank you, Windy, for bringing him to see us! I hope we see him more often in the future.
Enjoyable writing.....thanks, Dinata!