Sunday, June 24, 2018

June 24, 018 - Not Dead

No, we did not get lost in the forest.  Or fall off a cliff. Or get run over by a truck on the interstate. We are well and fine.

It was the computer that died.  I killed it by closing it up with a ball-point pen lying on the keyboard. Cracked the screen. We waited until the next Monday to go out and buy a new computer.  Then we waited for them to transfer data from the old computer. I finally got the new computer and then realized that I did not have my program disks for Photoshop or Quicken.  I can't write a decent post without pictures.  Since I can't find my voice recorder, the pictures remind me what happened during the day.


  1. I'm happy to hear that. It's always a dilemma when someone drops off the radar.
